South Africa
for the happiness, health and general well-being of your pet rabbit
All authentic RabbitCare South Africa educational material carry the RCSA rabbit ears logo. RabbitCare South Africa also operates under the names of RCSA or RabbitCare SA
RabbitCare South Africa (RCSA) is a non-profit group helping rabbit owners take proper care of their pets. We promote the welfare of domestic rabbits and believe rabbits should be treated as companion animals and never be permanently caged. RabbitCare South Africa believes most abuse is the result of ignorance. We therefore distribute free educational material and provide tips and advice for the happiness, health and general well-being of pet rabbits. Do not buy a rabbit unless you have had the pleasure of owning a rabbit before, or you have a friend or family member that is a rabbit owner and can provide you with guidance. Rabbits are not easy pets. They are exotic pets with very special needs. Your ignorance may be deadly to the rabbit. Please also consider adopting a rabbit from a shelter rather than buying. eMail, phone or SMS us, if you have not read our material yet. Do so before you adopt a rabbit. Contact us now. email: contact@rabbitcaresouthafrica.org, phone/text message: 079 756 2454. Find us on FaceBook at www.facebook.com/rabbitcare.southafrica